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000072_owner-lightwave-l _Thu Jul 7 17:50:20 1994.msg
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Received: by mail.netcom.com ( id RAA11649; Thu, 7 Jul 1994 17:25:50 -0700
Received: from tone.Jpl.Nasa.Gov by mail.netcom.com ( id RAA11613; Thu, 7 Jul 1994 17:25:34 -0700
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Date: Thu, 7 Jul 94 17:24:32 PDT
From: zareh@tone.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Zareh Gorjian)
Message-Id: <9407080024.AA05109@tone.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: Warp transputor & LightEngine (was Raptor 2 MIP chips?)
Cc: zareh@tone.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
Precedence: list
Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
hi mags,
> i miss hearing from you...
i miss hearing from you too! but if you're busy, then you're busy
i understand. i'll also try and write more.
> how is work?
well, funny you should ask. i was pretty upset yesterday. i don't
know if i told you this but JPL decided to not give anyone raises
this year! this had not made me exactly happy. the director of the
lab was going to have a town hall meeting and had asked for questions
to be sent to him. so naturally i was one of about 300 (out of a lab
of around 6 or 7 thousand) who asked him some questions (by the way
i got no acknowledgement from anyone about my letter, so i don't know
if it even got to him). anyway i digress, one of my questions was
"will i get the raise that is due me for completing my masters, since
this is a sepparate raise from the yearly merit increase". his answer
was "no you won't". so just coz i graduated a semster after some others
(who did get the raise) i'm going to get zilch! i busted my butt for
4 years to have JPL not even recognize it (i didn't do it for the money,
but it's like adding insult to injury; not only will we not give you
your normal raise, but we'll also not give you the raise you had comming
for your MS. so i actually end up being screwed more than others on
lab). i spoke to the section manager of the JPL proffessional development
section and my own section manager and they both didn't say much. my
section manager said that maybe/perhaps next year you'll get your
MS raise (not retroactive ofcourse). anyway i can say this, young people
on lab are pretty disillusioned and unhappy, 5 of my friends have already
left the lab (actually make that 6 another left the lab yesterday to
start a buisiness on his own).
as for o.j. yes i am sick of it. by the way i predicted well in advance
that he will have suicidal tendancies as time goes on and sure
enough it happened. i'm sure you could have predicted it too. just
think of him as a high achiever like yourself who's life is completely
falling apart (i'm passing no judgement on his guilt or innocense).
oops! i just realized that the above sentance could be misread. i didn't
mean that your life is falling apart, i meant that you are a high
achiever and o.j's life is falling apart (glad i caught that).
again, i did miss hearing from you and hope you'll find time to brave
your office enough to write me a few lines, but if not; don't worry
about it. by the way i have my fingers crossed that come august you'll
be a a new office.
bye mags,